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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Dofus Emoticons (4 Comments)
This is a emoticon pack who contains all the emoticon faces of the popular Dofus MMPORPG. This set is only for fun, but if you want a emoticon pack with more faces for adium, downlad this:
enkuturi-akrias 189.65kb
2850 total
2.9 / 38 votes
(Ranking: -0.16)
Zippi! (15 Comments)
A small set. Actually 8 emoticons. We used to draw zippis in the school, to show the maxium happyness state: the zippi. I know the zippi emoticon is very popular in forums, so i wanted to create my own variation... PD: The red...
enkuturi-akrias 238.56kb
4030 total
2.9 / 41 votes
(Ranking: -0.16)
animated MSN Emoticons (10 Comments)
this is an anymated MSN Emotion pack. It will come more Emoitons soon. If you have ideas for new emoticons, please post a comment or send me a mail to
Karolherbst 580.56kb
3991 total
2.9 / 51 votes
(Ranking: -0.17)
Simplicity White (1 Comments)
A set of small, unobtrusive emoticons for dark backgrounds.
cheesechick 212.58kb
1745 total
2.9 / 123 votes
(Ranking: -0.21)
ICQ (Lite, Pro & 4.0) (4 Comments)
This iconset is for all those adium users, who are often communicating with other icq users. It supports all standard icq icons. As far as I know, these icons are used in ICQ Pro 2003b, ICQ Lite, ICQ 4.0, ICQ2Go and several other...
tieger 81.62kb
3923 total
2.9 / 177 votes
(Ranking: -0.22)
Kirby and Tyler - iChat Style (9 Comments)
These are some of the "kirby smilies" like d(o_o)b and a few more smilies my friend Tyler likes to use. They have the look of iChat's smilies, so should go well with any of those sets. 14 emoticons in total. 1.2 adds a *bonk* smilie...
uliwitness 26.06kb
2502 total
2.9 / 207 votes
(Ranking: -0.23)
Something Awful Forum Smilies (SomethingAwful) (11 Comments)
Here's the updated emoticon pack for the Something Awful ( ) Forums, including the completely useless :unwanted: !! P.S. Please stop buying smilies you guys.
laughterguns 592.54kb
6022 total
2.9 / 309 votes
(Ranking: -0.25)
Birduck (0 Comments)
This is a port to Adium X, from, uh... Adium 1.0! (old)
Zorg 7.94kb
734 total
2.8 / 20 votes
(Ranking: -0.26)
Built™ Graphic noir (0 Comments)
Emoticons to accompany the Built™ message theme for use on the lighter variations. Built™ is a tribute to the work of Michael C. Place,
df0notfoundNeue 117.95kb
1002 total
2.8 / 22 votes
(Ranking: -0.27)
animated aim (7 Comments)
These are the animated aim smileys available with the new aim.
glowingstarlet18 55.83kb
2345 total
2.8 / 25 votes
(Ranking: -0.28)
Pump it Up (0 Comments)
Arrows form the NX. For pump lovers.
enkuturi-akrias 28.13kb
655 total
2.8 / 28 votes
(Ranking: -0.29)
Favicons as Emoticons (6 Comments)
A few favicons to be used as emoticons. I'm hoping to add more in the future; please email if you have a few more sites you'd like added. (yes, I should have added Adium, slight oversight)
computerdude33 240.97kb
1306 total
2.8 / 29 votes
(Ranking: -0.29)
Mood Foxes v2 (0 Comments)
The Foxy Mood Icon set created by TaniDaReal ( They're 90x90 and quite amusing and cute.
digivolve 112.57kb
164 total
2.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: -0.30)
The chilean emot-icon set. (1 Comments)
sapo 29.45kb
226 total
2.8 / 38 votes
(Ranking: -0.32)
Jimm (2 Comments)
I've searched for nice and full packege of smileys for my Adium here, but did not like anyone. I use Jimm on my Nokia 6230i and I love it's smileys. So, I decided to create this packege :) Chek it out!!
Bartiol 127.64kb
660 total
2.7 / 15 votes
(Ranking: -0.35)
Pix Metroid Metal (0 Comments)
Port of the emotes from
enkuturi-akrias 11.96kb
821 total
2.7 / 18 votes
(Ranking: -0.38)
Pirate (1 Comments)
Browsing all the wonderful emoticons here when I realized *ghasp* that there weren't any pirate ones... so I put eyepatches on all the default ones. Some (like Sunglasses) came out funky, but overall I think I did a good job.
mirror_ofthe_moon 17.41kb
1268 total
2.7 / 20 votes
(Ranking: -0.39)
Built™ Graphic blanc (0 Comments)
Emoticons to accompany the Built™ message theme for use on the darker variations. Built™ is a tribute to the work of Michael C. Place,
df0notfoundNeue 118.01kb
973 total
2.7 / 22 votes
(Ranking: -0.40)
HaloOnHorns (2 Comments)
I made this for a freind who always uses the phrase "hanging my halo on my horns" It looks similar to msn emoticons because she only uses msn (windows user)
notlarryormoe 11.71kb
1306 total
2.8 / 113 votes
(Ranking: -0.41)
Deck-O-Cards (1 Comments)
What is it? Deal cards out to your chat buddies with these slightly oversized "emoticons". Very easy to use, and works great with my simple Card Dealer Script . First set of emoticons I've ever made! Hope you all enjoy. How...
RR_GraphixGuy 80.25kb
1374 total
2.7 / 25 votes
(Ranking: -0.42)
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