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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
iChatGUI (8 Comments)
I have had iChatGUI as an extented lookalike feel to ichats orginal emotions pack for sometime and recently I have toyed with Adium so I converted the pack of 80. Have fun. The Orginal Pack.
MacTech 561.82kb
4653 total
3.2 / 119 votes
(Ranking: 0.42)
AIM (5 Comments)
Just the standard AIM emoticon set, now on Adium.
Rocksaurus 23.27kb
4546 total
2.8 / 208 votes
(Ranking: -0.46)
phpBB 2 Emoticons (12 Comments)
phpBB 2 Emoticons come to Adium. (I take no credit for the creation of the actual Emoticons) All original commands for the emoticons are there. (Ex: :lol: makes the lol smiley)
Reikon 13.22kb
4541 total
3.5 / 257 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
iPhone Emoji (0 Comments)
In version 2.2, the iPhone add support for the japanese emoji emoticon set used in japanese phones. Now that you're sufficiently addicted to them, here's a set so you can use them in Adium! Overview/cheat sheet of all the emoji and...
kalleboo 810.21kb
4509 total
4.0 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 1.34)
Adium Forum Emoticons (4 Comments)
Straight from the Adium forums. I don't know if iChat Emotimaker kept the animations. I suspect that it didn't. If someone could help me keep the animations, please do help.
ascarinthesky510 57.42kb
4435 total
3.5 / 146 votes
(Ranking: 1.08)
Ragnarädium (2 Comments)
Iconset for all Ragnarök Online fans! Includes all (52) in-game animated emoticons including the new ones!
shred 336.49kb
4355 total
4.1 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 1.75)
Monkeys from Proteus (v.8 recommend) (7 Comments)
* UPDATE * - YEAH, v.8 AdiumX is released! (suggested as v.7 users may be experiencing crashes. v.8 is way better anyways - worth the time to upgrade and check out new features and functionality.) * Monkey Schpiel * Set of...
uniraver-ZG 86.19kb
4123 total
3.2 / 88 votes
(Ranking: 0.39)
Zippi! (15 Comments)
A small set. Actually 8 emoticons. We used to draw zippis in the school, to show the maxium happyness state: the zippi. I know the zippi emoticon is very popular in forums, so i wanted to create my own variation... PD: The red...
enkuturi-akrias 238.56kb
4030 total
2.9 / 41 votes
(Ranking: -0.16)
Bugeyes (7 Comments)
The Gaim Bugeyes emoticons set ported to Adium. Originals available here .
wyc 122.21kb
4028 total
3.3 / 123 votes
(Ranking: 0.63)
Gadu Gadu Extra Pack (7 Comments)
A pack of common gadu-gadu emoticons, extended with some more, like sex positions etc ;) Many, many more than in the normal pack!
tigercub2005 2.77mb
4005 total
3.1 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 0.13)
animated MSN Emoticons (10 Comments)
this is an anymated MSN Emotion pack. It will come more Emoitons soon. If you have ideas for new emoticons, please post a comment or send me a mail to
Karolherbst 580.56kb
3991 total
2.9 / 51 votes
(Ranking: -0.17)
QIP (1 Comments)
These are the smilies from the Russian QIP messenger. QIP is an ICQ client that is quite popular in Russia, and these are the standard smilies. I found them here:
drbobguy 168.54kb
3953 total
3.8 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 1.30)
ICQ (Lite, Pro & 4.0) (4 Comments)
This iconset is for all those adium users, who are often communicating with other icq users. It supports all standard icq icons. As far as I know, these icons are used in ICQ Pro 2003b, ICQ Lite, ICQ 4.0, ICQ2Go and several other...
tieger 81.62kb
3923 total
2.9 / 177 votes
(Ranking: -0.22)
Opiummmm Foxxies (12 Comments)
I have always liked the foxxies emoticons, and since no one created the pack, I did... I don't know who to contact to ask permission, therefore the plist includes the URL where I took the emoticons... If you want to modify the pack...
D14852001neko 7.43kb
3844 total
4.1 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 1.79)
Classic Mac 2.0 (8 Comments)
Ok, here's an emoticon pack made up of some variations of the "Happy Mac" that Mac users saw when bootin up their Mac prior to the release of Jaguar. It's my first Xtra that I've submitted so, comments/ cronstructive criticism would be...
celebi23 12.23kb
3841 total
3.9 / 36 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Emoji Pack (1 Comments)
Compatibility pack to display Emoji icons from iPhone messages inside of Adium. This also allows the use of the icons from the drop down menu, though it is a bit of a mess. The primary purpose of this pack is for sending and receiving...
aquadood 530.89kb
3820 total
4.0 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Simplicity (4 Comments)
A set of small, unobtrusive emoticons.
cheesechick 39.23kb
3814 total
3.2 / 153 votes
(Ranking: 0.44)
ItaliaMac Set (3 Comments)
about all the emoticons from ItaliaMac Forum These are some examples. In the set there are more then 70 emoticons!
And2 180.54kb
3520 total
4.1 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.57)
Gtalk Emoji (4 Comments)
This is a set of (currently) 17 of the emoji-style animated emoticons that are used in Google Talk for Gmail. Where as existing Gtalk emoticon sets on this site map to Adium smily keystrokes, these ones map to the same keystrokes used in...
metaphysical 17.99kb
3496 total
4.4 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 1.79) (5 Comments)
Emoticons made from the trillian emoticon pack. Please note, these are animated.
The_Tick 569.2kb
3461 total
2.8 / 239 votes
(Ranking: -0.48)
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