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PieKey's Emoticon-Set (0 Comments)
This is my own Emoticon-Set, first an deviantART , now here at! Hope you like it! :)
DerWurst 43.41kb
1019 total
3.1 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 0.13)
Built™ Graphic noir (0 Comments)
Emoticons to accompany the Built™ message theme for use on the lighter variations. Built™ is a tribute to the work of Michael C. Place,
df0notfoundNeue 117.95kb
1002 total
2.8 / 22 votes
(Ranking: -0.27)
Yahoo Messenger 9 All emoticons (1 Comments)
Updated set with new emoticons from YM9.
elx 159.57kb
988 total
3.5 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.50)
Built™ Graphic blanc (0 Comments)
Emoticons to accompany the Built™ message theme for use on the darker variations. Built™ is a tribute to the work of Michael C. Place,
df0notfoundNeue 118.01kb
973 total
2.7 / 22 votes
(Ranking: -0.40)
Moody fox (1 Comments)
A set of icons featuring a fox created by Tani from Germany at They're 90x90 and quite amusing.
gingherslayr 119kb
929 total
3.9 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.94)
Simple and Small (1 Comments)
Just another standard emoticon pack. Small, simple and cute. All emoticons are in PNG quality, that means they work with every background without ugly borders. They are only 10x10 Pixels, perfect for small font sizes! They also look...
troplin 22.51kb
925 total
3.1 / 31 votes
(Ranking: 0.15)
Rage (1 Comments)
Emoticon set with the most common Rage faces (also know as Rage Thread, FFFUUU Comic, Rage Meme, Rage Comic among others).
sveinn 336.03kb
896 total
3.4 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.43)
QIP Infium (0 Comments)
98 smilies from QiP Infium original set.
ne_toy 428.56kb
882 total
2.4 / 10 votes
(Ranking: -0.60)
VG Cats (0 Comments)
This emoticon set is based on the emoticons from the forum of the VG Cats webcomic. VG Cats is ©Scott Ramsoomair, icons used with permission from Scott himself.
CyberSkull 25.88kb
876 total
3.3 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.37)
More msn emoticons (0 Comments)
A few extra emoticons for msn: - Alien - Evil eyes - A silly animated one - Ginger hugging woman - Brunette hugging woman - Sad tearful - Shifty eyes - Shocked (mk II) - Elvis
muddytrousers 130.88kb
868 total
2.6 / 16 votes
(Ranking: -0.48)
Pikachu Faces (3 Comments)
Pikachu Emoticons! March 13, 2010 : This is my first emoticon set. Some are animated and some are not. Major Credit goes to Domie1337 @ DeviantArt for the majority of the emoticons came from here. Direct Link:...
iamlegend 79.6kb
844 total
4.6 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.12)
DAemotewin (0 Comments)
my favorites from the deviantart plz icons, claim no ownership over the art. got the idea from generalscorch 's Deviantart Plz icons v1 . his didn't work for me, and didn't have the exact ones i wanted.
green47 81.32kb
834 total
3.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.51)
Pixmo 12 (0 Comments)
The big brother of Pixmo 10
troplin 11.12kb
825 total
3.8 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 0.89)
Pix Metroid Metal (0 Comments)
Port of the emotes from
enkuturi-akrias 11.96kb
821 total
2.7 / 18 votes
(Ranking: -0.38)
Google Gmail / Gtalk Emoji+ (2 Comments)
A more complete set of the Gtalk Emoji with a good set of binds. If you can think of more applicable binds, please let me know :)
nomo 46.78kb
812 total
4.6 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.60)
Muffins! (1 Comments)
This is a small emoticon set composed of blueberry muffins. With faces. If there are any reasonable emoticons anyone would like added, just say so, and I'll see what I can do. Enjoy!
sorroth 10.81kb
799 total
3.2 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
Throwboy Adium icons (0 Comments)
This is Emoticons of the Throwboy Pillows ( ) Hope you like them.. :) Tip: if you go to Preferences in Adium and the Appearance Menu go down to you see "Emoticons" and at the right you can see...
MertenNor 636.77kb
784 total
3.6 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.54)
Greensmilies (3 Comments)
A smiley-package with 35 smilies from
kfhd 50.52kb
780 total
3.0 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Cristalab forums (1 Comments)
Here are some of the emoticons of the forums in More emotes coming soon
enkuturi-akrias 36.41kb
778 total
2.2 / 33 votes
(Ranking: -1.21)
GR extra (0 Comments)
"Extra GR" emoticons :)
alecocco 22.94kb
772 total
3.1 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.12)
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