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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Pidgin/Tango Emotes (5 Comments)
Official Pidgin (MSN) Emotions (from version 2.5.0). This theme includes 82 different emotions. Use it for Google Talk or any other service supported by Adium.
house 130.7kb
3434 total
4.2 / 60 votes
(Ranking: 2.13)
Facebook Emoticon Set (6 Comments)
My first Xtra! An easy job for a friend who loves FaceBook :v and :3 ! :putnam: and :|] included! Have a nice chat with them! Enjoy! BRAKING NEWS Shark is now available! - Many thanks to spartin92 ! Penguin...
Doc.Pink 26.28kb
3427 total
4.2 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 1.51)
Gadu-Gadu Emoticons / Emotikony Nowe Gadu Gadu / Emoty GG 8 (0 Comments)
198 emoticons from Gadu Gadu 8. Recognizes (example): ;P and ;p :D and :d etc... --------------------------------------------- 198...
iMarekPL 433.03kb
3394 total
4.0 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 1.34)
Bears (3 Comments)
I admit that these are not my drawings but they were so cute that I had to convert them into the Adium Emoticon system. Used by a lot of my friends on MSN, so I wanted to be able to see their Bear faced emotions :-) Did a minor change on...
KiltOtter 32kb
3370 total
3.1 / 110 votes
(Ranking: 0.20)
DragonBros (4 Comments)
2 ultra cutez dwaggies designed and created by, . Edited for adium by,
kimito295 526.2kb
3128 total
3.6 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 0.84)
Gk smileys set (2 Comments)
Here's a set of smileys coming from a famous french videogames website. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Noon 30.22kb
3097 total
3.5 / 118 votes
(Ranking: 1.04)
Vaultboy Emoticons (8 Comments)
I really like the vaultboy (pipboy, falloutboy) from the Fallout series so i decided to to do some cutting and pasting to create a package of emoticons with the vaultboy. If there are any emotes that you feel that i have missed please...
prinsen 429.54kb
3056 total
3.9 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
iChat Revisited + (2 Comments)
An elegant expansion of the iChat's default emoticons, which integrate nicely in OS X interface and have been carefully designed with compatibility between IM services in mind. This emoticon set contains lots of smileys, all of them...
enkuturi-akrias 628.17kb
3008 total
3.7 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 1.15)
MonkeyGirl (2 Comments)
Monkey Girl based on this set: Thanks to the Creator. More Monkeys from User takeo: Have a nice day atomix64
atomix64 303.45kb
2955 total
4.3 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 2.25)
Manto Emoticons (2 Comments)
Based uppon this: The icons are not mine, just loved them and decided to create an emoticon pack for Adium.
liznedarierref 355.9kb
2909 total
3.9 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 1.08)
Black & White (2 Comments)
Lots of useful icons that the Default set is missing.
mirror_ofthe_moon 9.7kb
2894 total
3.0 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Fark Topic Tags (11 Comments)
It's a set of all the Topic Tags from So for example if you type "ironic" in a message, you'll get the pink "ironic" tag instead. It's really fun, try it.
gunnmjk 25.06kb
2882 total
3.2 / 114 votes
(Ranking: 0.41)
Felt Tip Retouched (2 Comments)
This Emoticonset is based on the icons from Felt Tip Retouched (created initially for GAIM ). The icons were designed and drwan by Chromakode (check the link for his other great art). Therefore, the credits and recognition should go...
xmanoel 56.69kb
2869 total
3.8 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 1.02)
Dofus Emoticons (4 Comments)
This is a emoticon pack who contains all the emoticon faces of the popular Dofus MMPORPG. This set is only for fun, but if you want a emoticon pack with more faces for adium, downlad this:
enkuturi-akrias 189.65kb
2849 total
2.9 / 38 votes
(Ranking: -0.16)
Cheeky (6 Comments)
My friend had a bunch of custom icons under MSN, and so I decided it was time to experiment with Adium icon sets!
chimera 31.79kb
2784 total
3.1 / 88 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
stupid orange (0 Comments)
mocell 1017.59kb
2758 total
4.3 / 23 votes
(Ranking: 1.77)
EmotiPonies (6 Comments)
Because ponies make everything better. FiM Mane 6 plus 7 more familiar faces! Set of 42 covers a wide range of facial expressions. Please note that EmotiPonies are larger than standard emoticons, measuring 27 x 27 pixels each. Enjoy!
peterpanswendy 611.14kb
2728 total
4.2 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 2.09)
pixelhead (6 Comments)
just some pixel smilies done.
imperialrequiem 25kb
2721 total
4.1 / 37 votes
(Ranking: 1.73)
Bruce's Pengies (6 Comments)
I use these for my blog on Live Journal, and just realized a week or so ago how awesome these would be as emoticons for Adium. So, I made this set in about an hour (with many, many interruptions, of course). If I need to ask permission...
da_baum 14.46kb
2700 total
4.0 / 26 votes
(Ranking: 1.41)
AIM minis (5 Comments)
Just the standard set of AIM icons used for smaller fonts in AIM, posted by request.
Rocksaurus 14kb
2700 total
3.0 / 167 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
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