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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Trillian port (13 Comments)
185 emoticons rescued and ported from Trillian Pro. Any comments would be very welcome, I bought my first Mac about a week ago (and missed my Trill emots!), so I'm chuffed to have done something like this so soon (although I've been...
stevierar 220.04kb
5804 total
3.5 / 256 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
iChat (6 Comments)
The emoticons from iChat 2.*
Nooon 18.13kb
15550 total
3.7 / 992 votes
(Ranking: 2.10)
phpBB 2 Emoticons (12 Comments)
phpBB 2 Emoticons come to Adium. (I take no credit for the creation of the actual Emoticons) All original commands for the emoticons are there. (Ex: :lol: makes the lol smiley)
Reikon 13.22kb
4541 total
3.5 / 257 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
DefEx (Default Extended) (4 Comments)
Default Extended is just what it say it is, an "upgraded" version of Default. it converts ":d" and ":-d" into the "Big Grin" (:-D) emoticon, and has the Devil Emoticon ">:)" Added. Thats all :-P Very simple upgrade.
Reikon 27.66kb
1315 total
3.2 / 124 votes
(Ranking: 0.42)
Bugeyes (7 Comments)
The Gaim Bugeyes emoticons set ported to Adium. Originals available here .
wyc 122.21kb
4028 total
3.3 / 123 votes
(Ranking: 0.63)
iChatGUI (8 Comments)
I have had iChatGUI as an extented lookalike feel to ichats orginal emotions pack for sometime and recently I have toyed with Adium so I converted the pack of 80. Have fun. The Orginal Pack.
MacTech 561.82kb
4653 total
3.2 / 119 votes
(Ranking: 0.42)
Pinheads (15 Comments)
Icons no bigger than the head of a pin, or (more importantly) a line of 10pt text.
dzhim 9.66kb
5878 total
3.6 / 165 votes
(Ranking: 1.33)
Smellies (7 Comments)
Smellies are one of the nicer, cooler, emoticon styles based on a creature appearing in Marko and Olier's French heroic-fantasy comic series Agence Barbare . These little creatures can be really cute but unfortunately fart a lot.
imajes 231.38kb
6919 total
3.4 / 195 votes
(Ranking: 0.92)
Fark Topic Tags (11 Comments)
It's a set of all the Topic Tags from So for example if you type "ironic" in a message, you'll get the pink "ironic" tag instead. It's really fun, try it.
gunnmjk 25.06kb
2882 total
3.2 / 114 votes
(Ranking: 0.41)
Adium Forum Emoticons (4 Comments)
Straight from the Adium forums. I don't know if iChat Emotimaker kept the animations. I suspect that it didn't. If someone could help me keep the animations, please do help.
ascarinthesky510 57.42kb
4434 total
3.5 / 146 votes
(Ranking: 1.08)
Spymac (6 Comments)
Emoticons from the Spymac website. A few of the emoticons are a bit more adult. Just a precaution. Some of these are animated, I would expect. I don't know if iChat Emotimaker keeps the animation. If you want the Proteus...
ascarinthesky510 97.76kb
8936 total
3.3 / 226 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
Paper and Plastic Smileys (12 Comments)
Paper & Plastic is the official message view designed by Jasper Hauser to complement the recent system theme by Mike Matas , XiAP Themes , and . Users are highly recommended to use included smilies , contact list...
mnkeybsness 68.7kb
6399 total
3.3 / 141 votes
(Ranking: 0.64)
Stan from South Park (15 Comments)
I made these from scratch. It was hard to work with so few pixels, but I'm very proud of how they came out. Hope you enjoy them.
Benjamin 91.79kb
8088 total
3.1 / 259 votes
(Ranking: 0.24)
SomethingAwful Emoticons (19 Comments)
All your favorite icons from the BEST forums on the whole internet!! I made this original pack but it had problems with descriptions and transparencies. Mr_D of the forums had made a similar pack and Forum Newbie spent some good time...
clintology 299.39kb
8427 total
3.1 / 338 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
HaloOnHorns (2 Comments)
I made this for a freind who always uses the phrase "hanging my halo on my horns" It looks similar to msn emoticons because she only uses msn (windows user)
notlarryormoe 11.71kb
1306 total
2.8 / 113 votes
(Ranking: -0.41) (5 Comments)
Emoticons made from the trillian emoticon pack. Please note, these are animated.
The_Tick 569.2kb
3461 total
2.8 / 239 votes
(Ranking: -0.48)
IPB (14 Comments)
A Proteus like emoticonpack. All icons are the same, just that i had to use the IPB emotions because the Proteus emotions are only allowed to be used with Proteus.
jego 100.17kb
8770 total
3.6 / 266 votes
(Ranking: 1.45)
Simplicity White (1 Comments)
A set of small, unobtrusive emoticons for dark backgrounds.
cheesechick 212.58kb
1745 total
2.9 / 123 votes
(Ranking: -0.21)
Simplicity (4 Comments)
A set of small, unobtrusive emoticons.
cheesechick 39.23kb
3814 total
3.2 / 153 votes
(Ranking: 0.44)
Extras (3 Comments)
The ass image from the forums, the adium icon, and a devil icon
czarlimit 16.8kb
2567 total
2.7 / 137 votes
(Ranking: -0.64)
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