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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
CrlockStolenSmileys (2 Comments)
this is a little colection of mine, i hope that you like it =)
crlock 47.33kb
1114 total
3.9 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 1.11)
Adiumy Emoticons (9 Comments)
This is a smiley set that matches the Adiumy Dock icon. I want to say right from the start, I had nothing at all to do with this set's creation... they were all the superb work of Adam Betts. *note: submitted with author's permission...
ispytonyv 70.71kb
37733 total
3.8 / 483 votes
(Ranking: 2.15)
;D Emoticon (1 Comments)
Like its brother, ;P, this is just a little ol' ;D emoticon made to look like the default set.
Daveecee 4.92kb
401 total
3.1 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.12)
Built™ Graphic noir (0 Comments)
Emoticons to accompany the Built™ message theme for use on the lighter variations. Built™ is a tribute to the work of Michael C. Place,
df0notfoundNeue 117.95kb
1002 total
2.8 / 22 votes
(Ranking: -0.27)
Built™ Graphic blanc (0 Comments)
Emoticons to accompany the Built™ message theme for use on the darker variations. Built™ is a tribute to the work of Michael C. Place,
df0notfoundNeue 118.01kb
973 total
2.7 / 22 votes
(Ranking: -0.40)
meebo Emoticon Set (2 Comments)
All 20 meebo emoticons!
mlingojones 26.53kb
1815 total
3.7 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.00)
Black & White (2 Comments)
Lots of useful icons that the Default set is missing.
mirror_ofthe_moon 9.7kb
2895 total
3.0 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Something Awful - What the Christ (0 Comments)
this is just an addon to clint's excellent something awful emoticon set . this is just the famous "What the Christ" emoticon.
mckickflip 2.93kb
476 total
2.6 / 36 votes
(Ranking: -0.62)
Kawaiiness Pink Thoughts (6 Comments)
pink thought bubbles, instead of same ole smilies
toofemme 7.04kb
1064 total
2.6 / 15 votes
(Ranking: -0.47)
Opiummmm Foxxies (12 Comments)
I have always liked the foxxies emoticons, and since no one created the pack, I did... I don't know who to contact to ask permission, therefore the plist includes the URL where I took the emoticons... If you want to modify the pack...
D14852001neko 7.43kb
3844 total
4.1 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 1.79)
BoyanPack for Russian users (1 Comments)
Shunt 10.53kb
401 total
4.2 / 26 votes
(Ranking: 1.70)
Gtalk Emoticons (21 Comments)
I only chat with Gtalk people nowadays and missed the emoticons when using Adium. This is a full set of web-based Gtalk animated client icons, useable in Adium. All the icons are direct rips from the gtalk web client and are animated as...
joel 16.28kb
8155 total
4.0 / 74 votes
(Ranking: 1.87)
Hello Kitty (6 Comments)
Icon set based on Hello Kitty, Now with some long overdue fixes
df0notfoundNeue 99.06kb
6595 total
3.9 / 48 votes
(Ranking: 1.51)
KOLOBOK (1 Comments)
Pack of animated smileys for ICQ,the pack is made by Aiwan for Miranda-im and converted by me.
xoce77 137.51kb
7850 total
3.9 / 51 votes
(Ranking: 1.54)
Gizmo Icon Set (0 Comments)
Here's a custom icon set that I ported from the Gizmo Project to Adium X. This icon set might be helpful for Adium users that use the Gizmo Project plug-in. Enjoy.
Zorg 37.64kb
2459 total
3.9 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 1.15)
Angery Faic (2 Comments)
Tired of your >:(s showing up as sad faces with >s next to them? Here's your solution. This is a 1-emoticon iconset containing what some would call the definitive angry face -- none other than ANGERY FAIC of the BBS.
62bda02 2.58kb
352 total
3.1 / 28 votes
(Ranking: 0.14)
Birduck (0 Comments)
This is a port to Adium X, from, uh... Adium 1.0! (old)
Zorg 7.94kb
734 total
2.8 / 20 votes
(Ranking: -0.26)
Deck-O-Cards (1 Comments)
What is it? Deal cards out to your chat buddies with these slightly oversized "emoticons". Very easy to use, and works great with my simple Card Dealer Script . First set of emoticons I've ever made! Hope you all enjoy. How...
RR_GraphixGuy 80.25kb
1374 total
2.7 / 25 votes
(Ranking: -0.42)
Giga Smileys (48 Comments)
I made this Pack because I just love these smileys so I wanted to use them on adium, and I hope you like them as much as I do... some have a white background so sorry for the users of non-white backgrounds... most are animated, and I...
Cassis 664.48kb
108984 total
3.7 / 643 votes
(Ranking: 1.97)
animated aim (7 Comments)
These are the animated aim smileys available with the new aim.
glowingstarlet18 55.83kb
2345 total
2.8 / 25 votes
(Ranking: -0.28)
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