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Menu Bar Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Gir Suit (0 Comments)
Images of Gir in his suit to go along with the Gir sounds and dock icon, neither of which I made.
theram 68.55kb
1650 total
2.7 / 18 votes
(Ranking: -0.38) (4 Comments)
By request, a Menu Bar icon based on the Pidginy status icons.
pcperini 327.21kb
1649 total
2.8 / 19 votes
(Ranking: -0.26)
Dharma Menu Icon (2 Comments)
This menu bar icon goes along with my Dharma dock icon. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Sleeves 6.26kb
1616 total
2.3 / 20 votes
(Ranking: -0.91)
Functional Square (3 Comments)
I first made it for myself, because I wanted a simple yet functional menu bar icon. I'll perhaps replace the "Received Message" icon by something less flashy.
Chamyky 49.79kb
1593 total
2.9 / 35 votes
(Ranking: -0.15)
Oldstyle Gaim (0 Comments)
I'm afraid I've never warmed up to the ducks. I came up with an alternative set of menubar icons, based on an older version of Gaim (which I came to know as a Linux user in my pre-Mac days). Up until now I've always just copied them into...
westside_guy 100.31kb
1533 total
1.9 / 30 votes
(Ranking: -1.62)
Old Adiumy (0 Comments)
The old Adiumy menu bar icon, if you don't want the new one. Uses your current status icon as a badge. This .zip contains 2 MenuBarIcons: The old MenuIcon with badge (show status, new messages, etc.) and another without the badge...
enkuturi-akrias 17.15kb
1509 total
2.6 / 47 votes
(Ranking: -0.67)
ColoredShapes (2 Comments)
To go with my ColoredShapes Status Icons set. This also serves as a example of all the MenuBarIcon states that are available (there are 6 total).
katlady81 21.74kb
1481 total
2.1 / 35 votes
(Ranking: -1.39)
Cat's mug (1 Comments)
Cat's mug, based on ichat 4 theme
kikuman 4.79kb
1441 total
2.7 / 28 votes
(Ranking: -0.43)
H.A.L. - 9000 Menu Bar Icons (4 Comments)
I am currently using Tovarizzle's H.A.L. dock icons and draketungsten's H.A.L. status icons and I am quite with how they look. So I thought I needed menu bar icons to match. I used draketungsten's icons to make this set and hopefully...
sahatch 9.03kb
1403 total
2.5 / 17 votes
(Ranking: -0.62)
Adiumy Plus (0 Comments)
Modified version of the default Adiumy version with: Idle status Invisible status Content status Away status iTunes status (not really sure it works as I can't see it) Also offline icon is modified. Any comments are welcome!
aone 12.69kb
1401 total
3.9 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.03)
HAL 9000 (0 Comments)
Here is the HAL 9000 Menu Bar icon set that I made to go with the status icons, except without custom highlighted versions. I don't like the way the auto-generated highlighted icons look, but Adium does not support using your own...
draketungsten 116.79kb
1355 total
2.7 / 24 votes
(Ranking: -0.41)
Perinibar (5 Comments)
A Leopard-button style menu bar icon set.
pcperini 323.06kb
1308 total
2.3 / 19 votes
(Ranking: -0.90)
Reddit menu icons (2 Comments)
Some icons to go alongside kn0thing's reddit dock icons . Hope you guys like them. Visit my site for other stuff
Paradox 81.12kb
1289 total
2.1 / 48 votes
(Ranking: -1.51)
Nintendo DS online (2 Comments)
Of course you know the Nintendo DS (lite), maybe you played on one and maybe you know the Online icon. If you think I have the make something better, just ask and I will see what I can do.
eison_iq 66.73kb
1256 total
2.1 / 27 votes
(Ranking: -1.29)
Zoidberg Menubar (3 Comments)
A menubaricon for all you Zoidberg lovers out there
blahblah12 20.22kb
1224 total
2.7 / 39 votes
(Ranking: -0.48)
Creatures Menu Bar Icon (1 Comments)
The menu bar version. Enjoy. Cheers. Same ones,
rushtowait 14.14kb
1218 total
3.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.51)
Vinyl (0 Comments)
Made a menubar icon similar to a vinyl record. Perfect for audiophiles and retro music junkies! (Maybe?)
Pakaku 276.82kb
1163 total
3.0 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Glossy Dream Menu (0 Comments)
Menu Bar for my Glossy Dream serie.
royaldream 38.92kb
1159 total
2.9 / 52 votes
(Ranking: -0.17)
Wrestling Masks (4 Comments)
Wrestling Masks... feel free to hack up and post.
3lilducks 45.83kb
1144 total
3.0 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
X Blaze Menu Icon (0 Comments)
now you can have Xblaze in your top menu bar
DDX 74.25kb
1121 total
2.8 / 19 votes
(Ranking: -0.26)
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