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Menu Bar Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
flowers! (1 Comments)
flower menu bars. very colorful. not much else to say, lol. match the rest of my stuff
cady 91.81kb
2747 total
2.2 / 24 votes
(Ranking: -1.10)
Batman Beyond (1 Comments)
Icon from Batman beyond. Dedicated to Bat and Josh Van Cox
tomvx 77.93kb
2628 total
3.2 / 103 votes
(Ranking: 0.40)
Zelda Items (1 Comments)
This Xtra includes items from the whimsical game The Legend of Zelda: OOT. Always open for suggestions / criticism.
snoodies 14.82kb
2518 total
3.3 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 0.49)
Adium Solid (2 Comments)
Is there anything to say except that this is beautiful minimalism? Instruction: 1. Click "Install" 2. Download... 3. You are ready to go!
thmonline 197.66kb
2505 total
2.9 / 33 votes
(Ranking: -0.15)
Gadu Gadu Menu Bar Color Icons by Pan Darek (1 Comments)
Polish Gadu Gadu menu bar icon - color.
pandarek 81.37kb
2401 total
3.1 / 32 votes
(Ranking: 0.15)
SpaceInvaders (6 Comments)
Tribute to one of the most popular video games in history
thecrash74 91.85kb
2315 total
3.5 / 160 votes
(Ranking: 1.10)
SwedishRoadSigns - Menubar Icones (3 Comments)
This is a part of my SwedishRoadSigns-Set! Some of these icons may be a little confusing at first, but you get used to it. The Icons are the swedish warning road signs. I took the ones i thought fitted the best and also was funny....
SteveBoy 9.14kb
2307 total
2.8 / 35 votes
(Ranking: -0.31)
Xaol (2 Comments)
Goes with the Xicons set! Please vote for it if you like it!
Schubi 49.61kb
2245 total
3.0 / 125 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
LED (0 Comments)
This is my first Xtra for Adium. I hope you'll enjoy.
CADmin 8.38kb
2174 total
2.8 / 28 votes
(Ranking: -0.29)
happy mac [menubar] (5 Comments)
this is sort of an extension of my happy mac dock icon, putting 3 different little smiling monitor faces in your menubar. not a big deal, but it's nice when coupled with the dock icon. important: the in-use screenshot i have is...
ant 19.02kb
2149 total
2.9 / 34 votes
(Ranking: -0.15)
ColourBars (1 Comments)
This is the menu bar version of ColourBars, which is based on WhiteBars created by xSpikex.
filenox 31.4kb
2082 total
2.7 / 23 votes
(Ranking: -0.41)
Facebook Menu Bar (0 Comments)
Facebook Menu Bar
Anarco 7.75kb
2080 total
2.4 / 37 votes
(Ranking: -0.94)
hand drawn (not by me) menu bar icons (1 Comments)
First of all: this is a blatant cheap and skill-less mod of Coerul's awesome artwork. So ALL credit to them, none to me, I am but the messenger. This is a menu bar icon adaptation of the Hand-Drawn Dock...
Donuts 57.83kb
2071 total
2.7 / 18 votes
(Ranking: -0.38)
Gradium Menu (0 Comments)
Created by request...goes with my Gradium dock icons .
iamatomicboy 6.83kb
2031 total
3.0 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Slash's Hat (0 Comments)
Just a little menu bar icon I made to go with the Slash dock icon.
MrSketchyGalore 24.85kb
1947 total
2.7 / 18 votes
(Ranking: -0.38)
Chatlight (3 Comments)
I tried to find some menubar icons but could only find two of them, so what did i do? I created my own. So here it is... Chatlight
Lassi 130.13kb
1947 total
2.5 / 59 votes
(Ranking: -0.89)
Simple (4 Comments)
This is a simple menu bar icon that fits perfectly with my status icons ( dia b&w on black ). The main thing I wanted it to do was to fit into my black and white Adium styling, which noone else yet does! Feel free to post any suggestions.
Xjs 45.79kb
1893 total
2.4 / 42 votes
(Ranking: -0.97)
iPhone Status (0 Comments)
Make your menu bar status look like iPhone signal bars/airplane mode. # of Bars - Status 5 - Message Waiting 4 - Online 3 - Idle 2 - Away 1 - Invisible Airplane Mode - Offline Modded Menu Bar? See iPhone Status (Alt) for...
mmzplanet 13.36kb
1801 total
3.4 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.36)
Star Trek TOS emblem (1 Comments)
Here is my old Star Trek, TOS emblem menu bar icon repackaged in the new menubar extras format. Thanks, Adium Devs, for adding this new feature.
nyrd1337 37.18kb
1789 total
2.7 / 20 votes
(Ranking: -0.39)
Radiohead Menu Bar Icons (1 Comments)
I take credit only for repackaging the existing Radiohead dock icon package. :P
dmt 78.72kb
1780 total
3.1 / 28 votes
(Ranking: 0.14)
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