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Menu Bar Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Tiger Bubbles (2 Comments)
An iChat style bubble, in the same vein as the Apple menu in tiger.
Szilard 27.02kb
4459 total
2.7 / 26 votes
(Ranking: -0.42)
iChat Tiger Aqua (1 Comments)
Designed to match the Apple logo and spotlight menu icons with the default aqua theme* and an iChat style symbol. Left to Right - Offline, Online, New Message *personally, I find the default blue aqua theme distracting in the...
vectr 6.36kb
4426 total
2.7 / 50 votes
(Ranking: -0.51)
Wobblo (1 Comments)
The wobblo Menu Bar Icons are based on the wobblo dock icons.
lithosandco 20.59kb
4116 total
3.1 / 49 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
Skull Menu Bar Icon (1 Comments)
This is nothing special, just a pirate skull as menu bar icon. Dock icon maybe following...
mauli 26.19kb
4103 total
3.0 / 36 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Lego Menu Bar (5 Comments)
The menu bar version of the Lego 2 dock icon. All images are taken from lego digital designer for mac and edited by me; Harry Morris. Thanks hope you enjoy :)
baRRy 41.14kb
3990 total
2.7 / 41 votes
(Ranking: -0.48)
Green Adiumy (0 Comments)
Like the built-in Adiumy set, but, well, green. For those who like a little colour in their menubar.
bob_the_gorilla 17.1kb
3599 total
2.7 / 52 votes
(Ranking: -0.51)
Gir! (2 Comments)
made for use with Gir dock icons.
intarctanxdx 50.17kb
3581 total
2.6 / 37 votes
(Ranking: -0.63)
iChat Tiger Graphite (3 Comments)
Designed to match the Apple logo and spotlight menu icons with a graphite theme and an iChat style symbol. Left to Right - Offline, Online, New Message
vectr 26.4kb
3525 total
2.6 / 26 votes
(Ranking: -0.57)
Small Color Adiumy (1 Comments)
I liked the Adiumy icons, but as is often my problem with Menubar icons, they were too big. Instead of fitting right in, they ballooned out and were much too loud. So I shrunk them. Simple as that. This is not my design, the original...
dmu 41.83kb
3369 total
3.1 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 0.13)
Gems enhanced (1 Comments)
I just like Gems better than anything else and I like juicy colors.
Schoem 10.19kb
3326 total
2.3 / 33 votes
(Ranking: -1.06)
Balloons Menu Bar (1 Comments)
Based on the Balloons Status Icons by Jussi Uses a subset of six of the Balloons status icons to make a coordinating menu bar. Includes two Menu Bar sets, one with badges and one without. (Images are reversed for improved badge...
gethen 20.06kb
3325 total
2.5 / 21 votes
(Ranking: -0.66)
panda (11 Comments)
homemade panda icon. it's pretty darn cute.
intarctanxdx 49.86kb
3323 total
2.9 / 44 votes
(Ranking: -0.16)
Live inspired Menu icon (2 Comments)
This is a xtra who ships really good with the other extra called “Live inspired dock icon and status icons” Really, i hate MSN but i think is a good xtra for all the Live MSN design lovers. Yuck xD Go Apple!
enkuturi-akrias 25.12kb
3269 total
2.3 / 39 votes
(Ranking: -1.11)
Helium (Menu) (2 Comments)
Helium but for your menu bar! Why not take a look at the Helium status icons? Clicky!
dcentity2000 73.14kb
3252 total
2.8 / 43 votes
(Ranking: -0.33)
Adiumy (Retina) (2 Comments)
Replacement menu-bar icon optimised to work on both Retina and non-Retina displays.
paulwilde 6.18kb
3172 total
4.3 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.86)
iChat menu bar icons (4 Comments)
I was bored and i made this colored iChat styled menu bar icons which i hope some of you like... It has custom screens as: Online, Offline, Idle, Away, New Content, Invisible. If you have any requests for me to do any adium related...
Plizzo 78.58kb
3127 total
2.6 / 48 votes
(Ranking: -0.67)
SpaceInvaders Y (5 Comments)
3 new versions of a timeless game that will slowly replace the older version that I had done before
thecrash74 134.43kb
3041 total
3.6 / 108 votes
(Ranking: 1.22)
Heartagram Menu (1 Comments)
A nice new heartagram menubar set to compliment the heartagram dock icon
backsidetailslide 70.65kb
2840 total
2.6 / 45 votes
(Ranking: -0.66)
Aperture Logo Menu Bar Icon (1 Comments)
Awesome Color ordered Menu Bar icon set *NOTE* If there are any issues please report them to me and i will update. please DO NOT rate it lower because there is a broken function, rate on the design.
unbreakable 74.74kb
2837 total
2.8 / 64 votes
(Ranking: -0.36)
Gadu Gadu Menu Bar B&W Icons by Pan Darek (0 Comments)
Polish Gadu Gadu menu bar icon - B&W.
pandarek 48.99kb
2777 total
3.0 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
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