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Menu Bar Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Marten-Plain Buddy (7 Comments)
Menu bar icons for the Marten-Plain message theme - Buddy style. Includes: Online, away, idle, invisible, content and offline. Enjoy.
marten 9.44kb
10897 total
3.6 / 111 votes
(Ranking: 1.23)
Marten-nu (2 Comments)
New menu bar icons that will go excellent with Marten-nu status icons . Includes: Online, away, idle, invisible, content and offline. Enjoy.
marten 11.03kb
10410 total
4.0 / 52 votes
(Ranking: 1.72)
JiXeR - Blend (15 Comments)
(original icon set by AveTenebrae ) This is a menu bar icon set to replace the adium menu icon. this is to match this dock icon set: JiXeR - Blend 1st image = Available (online) 2nd image = Away 3rd image = Idle 4th...
JiXeR 73.38kb
9816 total
2.9 / 105 votes
(Ranking: -0.20)
Oddium (0 Comments)
Couldn't find a non-bird themed menubar replacement that fit in, so I made one. Hope you like it :)
Periphium 62.46kb
9626 total
4.0 / 51 votes
(Ranking: 1.71)
Miffy (Nijntje, 米菲) (6 Comments)
Version 2!!! I noticed people rated the old version... well let's say not too high ;) With this new version I payed more attention to the graphics and I included more status pics. Hope you'll like 'm. Go great with the NEW Miffy Status...
huibster 16.2kb
9576 total
3.2 / 106 votes
(Ranking: 0.41)
Milk Menu (6 Comments)
Menu bar icons I've used for a couple of years now and I've forgotten where I first found them. Every new version of Adium I've used I had to replace the files manually, but got relieved when v 1.1 beta supports menu bar icons as an...
AvG 13.85kb
8018 total
2.6 / 64 votes
(Ranking: -0.72)
AdiumTwitBar (8 Comments)
Love for the new Twitter icon continues to inspire me! Now AdiumTwit is on your Menu Bar! AdiumTwitBar! Other recommended extras: - Dock Icons Set AdiumTwit (Twitter's icon for Adium) =>...
denerindring 48.78kb
6448 total
3.9 / 46 votes
(Ranking: 1.50)
iChat-ish Menu Bar (4 Comments)
iChat style menu bar set cobbled together from previous Menu Bar hacks for v1.0.x.
maerlynne 69.06kb
6401 total
2.6 / 100 votes
(Ranking: -0.80)
True Space Invader (4 Comments)
True Space Invader for menu bar.
relooc 66.56kb
6384 total
3.6 / 77 votes
(Ranking: 1.13)
My Neighbor Totoro (3 Comments)
Menu bar icon based in the Japanese anime film My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ, Tonari no Totoro) Includes: Online, away, idle, content and offline.
ice_fiercer 65.61kb
5893 total
4.3 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 2.14)
SuperMarioReady (1 Comments)
Not only 1Up Mushroom, but now is available, in ready position, Super Mario!
thecrash74 178.32kb
5588 total
3.6 / 111 votes
(Ranking: 1.23)
tahciMOD (8 Comments)
Menubar replacement . A modded version of Brian Latimer's iChat reverse icons: - the "online" icon has a transparent base (looks a bit more bar-integrated) - the "new message" icon is red and uses a gradient (better eye catcher)...
xSpikex 30.46kb
5444 total
2.3 / 43 votes
(Ranking: -1.14)
xpk menu bar (1 Comments)
Adium menu bar icons, made from xpk status icons. Working on another menu bar icons from xpk family.
twee.doderik 8.7kb
5355 total
2.7 / 40 votes
(Ranking: -0.48)
Messages (with Retina support) (1 Comments)
Super-simple, retina-friendly (and non-retina-friendly, of course) menubar icons.
SteveMarshall 17.39kb
5210 total
4.1 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Bubble (6 Comments)
in those days there were only bubbles bubbles bubbles ...
thecrash74 103.83kb
5167 total
3.8 / 128 votes
(Ranking: 1.69)
iDucks (11 Comments)
I made this duck just for fun but it came out pretty good.. dont you think? It has the same screens for all states except for offline.... Enjoy and use forever! :P Online, Offline, Away, Idle, New Content, Invisible!!
Plizzo 82.59kb
4995 total
2.8 / 51 votes
(Ranking: -0.34)
AdiumBook (3 Comments)
Adium menubar icons like Powerbook Duck. Hopefully you like it.
waterproteins 48.89kb
4950 total
2.8 / 52 votes
(Ranking: -0.34)
Outline (6 Comments)
Outline - AKA "Subtle With A Hint Of Duck" This includes 3 variants to choose from: Outline4Transparent.AdiumMenuBarIcons will look best with a transparent MenuBar (like Leopard has) - This is the main variant....
katlady81 220.04kb
4922 total
2.5 / 59 votes
(Ranking: -0.89)
Tiger Style Adiumy (4 Comments)
A Tiger-y, Spotlight-y Adiumy, with a sizeable nod towards Lassi Veikkonen's Chatlight icon. (Uses your status icons as a badge.)
bob_the_gorilla 15.53kb
4744 total
2.5 / 68 votes
(Ranking: -0.92)
LeoiChat (0 Comments)
Adium Menu Bar Icons base on Leopard's iChat, but reversed looks great with Flat Baloons Dock Icons
Roberto 4.69kb
4582 total
2.8 / 64 votes
(Ranking: -0.36)
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