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Service Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Up2Date Aqua 3.8.1 (55 Comments)
The perfect, 20-icon partner for your Adium! This is the third version of the Up2Date series. Most of the service icons included with Adium are out of date, so here are the Up to Date Service Icons with an Aqua Look & Feel!...
Sam 497.02kb
83976 total
3.3 / 439 votes
(Ranking: 0.79)
Xicons (5 Comments)
Updated version for 2012. Extra files included within the resource file. Please vote for it if you like it!
Schubi 409.98kb
43211 total
3.8 / 344 votes
(Ranking: 2.03)
Service Extensions (17 Comments)
Clearly inspired by Gerrit's App.EXT icon sets, I bring you a small pixel font service icon set. Tell me what you think should be changed, including changing any of the following which I've considered: · GDU could be changed to GAD...
fissure 224.42kb
39542 total
2.7 / 132 votes
(Ranking: -0.64)
Service '08 (11 Comments)
just a pack with all uptodate service Icons of 2008 ;) - modern AIM icon - new ICQ Flower - WLM icon and more...
scorpion919 195.99kb
32919 total
3.6 / 238 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Hand-drawn (43 Comments)
Created on a whim. Doodled a bunch of logos with my new tablet, and turned them into service icons. I know they're sloppy, they're "hand drawn" afterall. This of course makes the smaller icons a bit difficult to see. For some...
coerul 1.58mb
25033 total
3.1 / 315 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
pss-2 Service Icons (25 Comments)
A set of service icons, created to represent the official icons.
pss 62.64kb
21338 total
3.1 / 338 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
Service '09 (3 Comments)
an update of my previous xtra "service '08"
scorpion919 164.05kb
20880 total
3.6 / 112 votes
(Ranking: 1.23)
Aqua Plus Service Icons (3 Comments)
This a modified version of the "Aqua" Adium service icons, which comes with Adium, to include the Gizmo icon, for those of you using the Gizmo plugin. If there are other service icons that you wish to have included please let me know....
ajmas 66.14kb
17376 total
2.6 / 119 votes
(Ranking: -0.83)
Service iCons Colors (3 Comments)
Service iCons Colors • 24 icons service with colored backgrounds inspired in the icons/buttons used on the iPhone , adjusted for the following services: AIM • Bonjour • .Mac • Facebook • Gadu Gadu • Gizmo • GroupWise • Gtalk •...
Regivic 186.35kb
15172 total
3.5 / 99 votes
(Ranking: 1.00)
Sapo Messenger Service Icons (6 Comments)
It's a little pack of default service icons and pss-2 service icons, but changed with Sapo Messenger icons ( ) with the Jabber light dock icon as Jabber's service icon
micaelsilva 113.05kb
14313 total
2.7 / 163 votes
(Ranking: -0.66)
Outlines (11 Comments)
These icons were originally created to go with my intrigueBlue list theme, but I've kept on using them even after growing tired of that theme, so I thought people might appreciate an independent release. I have been using the...
BlueRevolution 285.64kb
11879 total
3.0 / 93 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Pixely (5 Comments)
Pixel Service Icons Hi. I have updated the theme with the recently added services Adium 1.4 offers. (Twitter, IRC and Laconica). Enjoy. Regarding your requests: I might make a .mac icon in a few days. Never really used it but...
tabledrummer 121.98kb
10725 total
2.7 / 54 votes
(Ranking: -0.52)
Modern Logos (6 Comments)
Originally made for my own personal use, now released publicly. This set was inspired by and is based on Sam Rolfe's Up2Date service icons ( with much tweaking done to suit my...
metaphysical 151.82kb
10194 total
2.6 / 117 votes
(Ranking: -0.83)
Simple Service Icons 2008 (1 Comments)
These simple, outlined service icons are perfect for any minimalist setup. They were designed in Illustrator with the current service icons for 2008. Vectored icons stay crisp and clean both big and small.
pdx 56.55kb
8174 total
2.8 / 76 votes
(Ranking: -0.38)
Smooth Gloss (6 Comments)
This is my attempt at making a service icon apck that looks cohesiive and yet retain the individual visual identities to their respctive services. I used the updodate set by Sam as a Template, so this would have as many services as...
BohemiaDrinker 301.52kb
7775 total
2.9 / 53 votes
(Ranking: -0.17)
Up2Date Aqua (4 Comments)
These icons are no longer under development. I recommend that you upgrade to Up2Date Aqua 3 . If you don't want the Aqua Look, I suggest that you get Modern Logos , a cleaner version Up2Date 1.0 The legendary service icons in...
Sam 187.84kb
7748 total
2.3 / 77 votes
(Ranking: -1.32)
Desat Plus Service Icons (7 Comments)
A desaturated service icon set based on Aqua Plus by ajmas.
DwevskyX 157.11kb
7407 total
2.4 / 88 votes
(Ranking: -1.17)
SupermansService Icons (8 Comments)
These are the standard service icons but with a Superman twist to AIM, MSN and Yahoo. Comments and suggestions are extremely appreciated!
zkcola 138.97kb
6786 total
2.5 / 132 votes
(Ranking: -1.06)
Service 2011 (6 Comments)
A really simple update on the service icons, based on "Service '09" by scorpion919. It includes updated icons for Windows Live Messenger (from the Microsoft Messenger app), AIM, Facebook (from the Flurry collection by The Iconfactory),...
ermonas 129.84kb
6785 total
3.1 / 30 votes
(Ranking: 0.15)
Cartoony Service Icons 2008 (3 Comments)
I'm bored with that glossy, shiny look everything has these days, so I designed some bolder service icons in Illustrator. They're made with hand drawn vectors, to get a nice illustrated effect that looks good in large and small...
pdx 57.13kb
6315 total
2.9 / 84 votes
(Ranking: -0.19)
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