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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Lil Ghost (6 Comments)
Just a little ghost in your Dock... :-)
andrek 19.77kb
4454 total
4.0 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Daffy Duck (4 Comments)
Now, to go along with the Looney Tunes sounds I put together, you can get a different duck in your dock! After downloading an icon for the soundset, I started playing around with dock icons- and this is what I've got so far. The idle...
adiumlover 184.79kb
5236 total
4.0 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Holland Football Duck (0 Comments)
The Adium Duck with the 2008/9 Nederland Home & Away strip!
straff 118.51kb
343 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
THE TOP HAT (1 Comments)
eliekhawaja 298.79kb
937 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Washington Capitals (0 Comments)
Eng: The Washington Capitals (Washington, District of Columbia, USA) as dock icon. Thanks to leave a feedback or a vote after downloading :-) Fra: Les Capitals de Washington (Washington, District de Columbia, USA) en icon dock....
Anarco 73.7kb
572 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
New-York Islanders (0 Comments)
Eng: The New-York Islanders (Uniondale, New York, USA) as dock icon. Thanks to leave a feedback or a vote after downloading :-) Fra: Les Islanders de New-York (Uniondale, New York, USA) en icon dock. Merci de laisser un...
Anarco 78.96kb
256 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
NES Megaman (3 Comments)
Rock from the Megaman Series of Nintendo games. Uses the advanced animation features of Adium to make the Blue Bomber spin, run, and dance! (Not yet implemented, thankfully.) Feedback welcome!
UncleVisen 52.13kb
3982 total
3.7 / 98 votes
(Ranking: 1.39)
Spidey Adiumy (4 Comments)
From psiona's collection of ducks. It was converted as part of a series found at
wunderwood 177.86kb
8439 total
3.8 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 1.39)
Violinist Duck (13 Comments)
This Duck plays a sweet little tune for you in place of the flap. Well, he looks like he's playing anyway.
lysistrata398 65.89kb
3926 total
3.7 / 96 votes
(Ranking: 1.39)
Cowboy Adiumy (9 Comments)
From psiona's collection of ducks. It was converted as part of a series found at
wunderwood 293.17kb
4963 total
3.8 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 1.39)
AdiChat (10 Comments)
This is a mix between Adium and iChat. Based on iBubble and the official Adium Icon PS: i would really like some feedback ;)
mulfff 311.91kb
1633 total
4.1 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
The Real Adium CS3 (7 Comments)
The Real CS3 Adium icon for all of you that seem to find it hard to make an icon the right size. Feel free to edit if you prefer icon states. This is the exact font and size used in the original cs3 icons. Not a cheap imitation....
Austen 100.8kb
2142 total
4.1 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Adiumy Lyonnais (1 Comments)
Dock icon for the OL fans with the official home jerseys 2005-2006 Icone pour les gones, avec Adiumy qui saute quand un message arrive. 2 icons : Red & Bleu duck.
Rizo 347.79kb
543 total
4.0 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Alchemic Circle (4 Comments)
I'm not even a big fan of FMA, but it bothered me that there wasn't just an alchemic circle. xD I apologize for the size, if I get enough complaints I may make it bigger. The only thing that makes it this "small" is the glow on the...
coerul 867.71kb
2464 total
4.0 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Despicable You (0 Comments)
Banana? A dinky icon set inspired (okay, totally ripped) from the awesome movie Despicable Me. It's fairly basic, but hey, it features minions! Who could ever resist that?!
dcentity2000 2.25mb
2789 total
4.0 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Canadian Duality Flag (5 Comments)
Eng: A Canadian Duality Flag dock icon. The Maple Leaf spins for new messages and when it connects. French and English-speaking together ! -Renewed flag recognizes Canada's linguistic duality. 25% of the border is coloured...
Anarco 117.96kb
123 total
3.9 / 33 votes
(Ranking: 1.37)
Jeeg - plus (3 Comments)
Modded version of Jeeg dock icon by thecrash74. I really like it, but I need some extra! So, i've added custom Away, Idle and Invisible icon. I hope you like it, comment will be apreciated. Thanks to thecrash74 for his work.
jeby 197.2kb
709 total
4.0 / 23 votes
(Ranking: 1.36)
KAWSdiumy (0 Comments)
KAWS treatment to Adiumy duck.
steƒ 222.27kb
603 total
4.0 / 23 votes
(Ranking: 1.36)
iAdium Milk (10 Comments)
2 form 1 ive just put together two of my favorite dock icons. Creds to the original creators; Rasmus Andersson (Milk) and Ethan Smith (iAdium)!
sdh 252kb
4045 total
3.8 / 50 votes
(Ranking: 1.36)
Kobhens White (2 Comments)
For those of you using Kobhens dock icons by Roberto Urso ( I based it off of the black Reflections dock icon by Phatt138 ( The picture below: I'm using the GAIAsnow...
diando 306.97kb
730 total
3.9 / 32 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
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