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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Ninja (3 Comments)
A ninja from Laura's collection swings hook thing when connecting.
beemer 763.52kb
6840 total
3.9 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 1.48)
BlueBird (8 Comments)
Originally contributed by Joseph Banks
Benjamin 48.84kb
4194 total
3.7 / 129 votes
(Ranking: 1.48)
Plucky Duck (2 Comments)
Plucky Duck, from Tiny Toons! Enjoy
caletz 243.41kb
2199 total
4.1 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 1.48)
America's Army Icons (4 Comments)
americas army dock icons. but as the soldiers are really small, you have to size your dock a bit bigger than totally small...
xjonx 454.34kb
1056 total
3.7 / 127 votes
(Ranking: 1.47)
Sakura (5 Comments)
This cherry blossom dock icon matches my Sakura status icon set.
alessia 58.69kb
9063 total
3.9 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 1.47)
Bape - Baby Milo (2 Comments)
A Bathing Ape Dock icon :D hope you like it! The character is Baby Milo
prash 533kb
3254 total
4.0 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 1.46)
Neo Duck Revisited (7 Comments)
As requested, I removed the shells. So now he just fires his gun when you get an IM. I also tilted the guns slightly so that the muzzle flash would fit better in the dock.
infinity 386.47kb
5956 total
3.9 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 1.46)
Adiumy with Jazzmaster (4 Comments)
UPDATE: Checkout the new Adiumy with Jazzmaster 2 ! Green Adiumy with Fender Jazzmaster guitar. This is my first icon so please give me a little feedback :)
Johnnos 200.84kb
716 total
4.4 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.46)
Blob - White (2 Comments)
I made this Adium Icon package using Martin Lexow's template for his iconset, Blob au mieux. His icon release didn't contain a white version of the Adium Icon, so I made a high quality version myself. Enjoy! Note: If/when Martin...
dabramov 461.02kb
1874 total
4.4 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.46)
Vergil (Halo ODST) (7 Comments)
If you've played Halo:ODST, this dock icon should be familiar to you. The city's AI is now in your Adium dock icon! Comes with different status images that all came straight out of the game from the superintendent. Enjoy!
182angels 682.66kb
2479 total
4.4 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.46)
Virginia Tech Hokies Football VT (8 Comments)
For those HOKIES out there. Here you go Virginia Tech Hokies Football Nike Jersey is on. i chose #5 since Tyrod Taylor is gonna be around for a while. p.s. if people like it, i'll make ones for other schools.
scriptmx 77.43kb
613 total
4.3 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 1.45)
Adiumy Coritiba (2 Comments)
• Coleção de Ícones de Dock inspirados em times de futebol brasileiro. Jogo de Ícones Adiumy vestido com a camisa clássica de 1985 do CORITIBA FOOT BALL CLUB. • Dock Icons Collection inspired in brazilian soccer/football teams....
Regivic 264.67kb
155 total
4.3 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 1.45)
OtaconSPRITE (1 Comments)
[OtaconSPRITE] [VER.1.0] [Created By:] Matt Martin, AKA Kaethis. Influenced by Otacon's SPRITE VER.2.21 software from Metal Gear Solid 2, this Dock Icon set includes 5 different icons. Sure to compliment anyone's Codec! ---...
Kaethis 50.25kb
651 total
4.3 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 1.45)
Captain Jack Sparrow (3 Comments)
I've done other Adium Icons before, but decided to post this one because I hadn't seen it done before. This is as detailed as I could get with Captain Jack. I was thinking about putting him into a big black ship but decided it would...
USATorque55 173.82kb
5347 total
4.0 / 28 votes
(Ranking: 1.45)
Super Mario Adiumy 2.0 (10 Comments)
A revised version of the supermario adiumy, which includes the pipe entrance when connecting, and the well known blocks for away and idle. I did not remove the old version since some may not like the pipe connecting or the away and...
Yazan 413.41kb
5710 total
3.8 / 64 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Newgrounds Tank (3 Comments)
Inspired by UberBaristas Newgrounds icon I created my own variation that ended up like this.
sdh 357.65kb
1527 total
4.2 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Scrawl (5 Comments)
Scrawl This is a dock icon, looking like someone just scrawled on a graphic tablet. (actually someone just did ;-) ). If people like it, I will continue with message styles etc.(maybe I will do it anyway, because at least I like...
albrox 711.54kb
1954 total
4.2 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
iPhone Next Generation iCons (1 Comments)
After the iPhonable icon sets I decided to create a new set of updated icons. - Online - Alert - Idle - Away - Offline - Connect (Animated) Check them out, and... don't forget to comment ;-)
Segatta 242.72kb
2241 total
4.2 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Remparts de Québec (0 Comments)
Fra: Les Remparts de Québec (Québec, Québec, Canada) en icon dock. Ligue Canadienne de Hockey (LCH), Ligue de Hockey Junior Majeur du Québec (LHJMQ). Merci de laisser un commentaire ou de voter après votre téléchargement :-)...
Anarco 61.91kb
81 total
4.6 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Agent Duck (3 Comments)
An agent duck duck. From Laura's stash of ducks
beemer 131.41kb
6433 total
3.8 / 63 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
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