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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Gir_suit (2 Comments)
From the old xtras site.
The_Tick 152.94kb
8056 total
4.0 / 84 votes
(Ranking: 1.92)
My Robot Eye (16 Comments)
My first Adium dock icon. Hope you'll enjoy. Please comment !
Zenest 478.38kb
10035 total
4.0 / 83 votes
(Ranking: 1.92)
Chileno (2 Comments)
Dock icon de la selección chilena. Chilean Adiumy.(Version1.0)
flakon 342.69kb
265 total
4.5 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 1.92)
Bubbled (5 Comments)
Another iChat-like Dockicon pack.... I know But it's my first one, I made it for myself and maybe some people will nevertheless enjoy it :-)
Macmike 166.08kb
2603 total
4.2 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Glass Sweets (7 Comments)
Glass Candy Type dock icons, colorful and simple :D
Spike_may 155.05kb
2888 total
4.2 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
BLOB Interface (6 Comments)
Hey Volks, this Adium-Dockicon is part of my BLOB Interface -Iconset, as you can see (and download) at: It's completly in 512px High Definition, so it's perfectly for...
Martin 277.9kb
4048 total
4.2 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Mavericks (8 Comments)
Dock icons based on the promo material for OSX 10.9 Mavericks. Supports Retina Displays. Version 1.2 - *Extra icons can be found inside the .adiumicon package. Option click - Show Package Contents - Replace app.png in main folder...
enjoyfebruary 1.24mb
2406 total
5.0 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Duck Blue (0 Comments)
Simple blue duck
elpincho 1.3mb
167 total
5.0 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Adiumy Love London (0 Comments)
• Adiumy Dock Icons set dressed with the shirt I LOVE LONDON (UK), adapted from the logo designed by Milton Glaser in 1977 for the State of New York (USA). The package contains two icons sets: ADIUMY LOVE LDN + ADIUMY LOVE LONDON ....
Regivic 300.81kb
325 total
5.0 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Duck in Black (5 Comments)
For those of you that prefer coffee (no sugar, no milk).
LUGIC 346.78kb
3877 total
4.1 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Hitchhiker's Guide (17 Comments)
A dock icon for really hoopy froods - it's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy mascot! Happy hitchhiking, and don't forget where your towel is!
cheesechick 194.38kb
14124 total
3.8 / 239 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
Traun Adiumy (14 Comments)
My second adiumy icon attempt. Feedback is always welcome Version 0.2 updates the active status, making Traun Adiumy pulsate when a message is recieved.
iamthel0rax 135.13kb
9490 total
3.9 / 130 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
Badger Badger Mushroom Snake (16 Comments)
A dock icon pack featuring the badger from that badger movie. The main icon is the badger(-badger-badger-badger), the Away icon is the mushroom(-mushroom), and the Idle icon is the snake(-aah-a-snake-oh-it's-a-snake).
AdamAtlas 86.63kb
33283 total
3.8 / 238 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
Rocky Duck (8 Comments)
He is blessed with the eye of the tiger...
the_mountie 115.36kb
8270 total
4.0 / 79 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
Litho iChat Full (12 Comments)
This is a full service Adium version of the Litho iChat icon from IT has all the favourite modes, like, Away, Idle, Connecting, Message, and Offline. Comments and Questions welcome.
FordPrefect 668.59kb
6607 total
4.1 / 53 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
PensieriParole Adiumy (7 Comments)
This is the Dock Icon from PensieriParole , an Italian quotations website. Adiumy holds in his wings our heart logo like a pillow.
PensieriParole 397.63kb
2412 total
4.2 / 37 votes
(Ranking: 1.88)
iAdiumBubble (3 Comments)
This is a combination of my previous dock icon, iAdium , and iBubble 1.3 . With minor modifications, the chat bubble images were created by Iiro Jäppinen for iBubble 1.3 .
flernk 504.45kb
3018 total
4.2 / 37 votes
(Ranking: 1.88)
Telecaster Vectory Duck (7 Comments)
Rocking out in Vectory style. A red Vectory duck with a Telecaster, which I originally made for the developer Cbarrett as a Thankyou gift for all the good advice he gave me. Now that a few weeks have passed, time to put up the icon on...
SamGwilym 266.08kb
2731 total
4.2 / 37 votes
(Ranking: 1.88)
Ranulf (Fire Emblem) (0 Comments)
A dock icon of Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant dawn's cat boy, Ranulf. The images of the dock icon below are somewhat accurate, for I was too lazy to show the full extent of it's animations. For each status, there's a change in...
vonKarma 777.05kb
176 total
4.4 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 1.88)
Adium in a Half-shell (20 Comments)
I love the ninja turtles and I really like this app so why not combine two good things? V 0.7 I added pizza boxes for the away message, those turtles love pizza
vanceab 324.52kb
5368 total
4.0 / 75 votes
(Ranking: 1.88)
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