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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Marten-nu (8 Comments)
Updated Dock icon. Will go very well with Marten-nu status icons . Includes: Online, loading (animated), alert (animated), away, idle, invisible and offline. Enjoy.
marten 643.06kb
13772 total
4.4 / 65 votes
(Ranking: 2.54)
Totoro (14 Comments)
This is a Dock Icon I created to pay tribute to the Studio Ghibli classic, My Neighbour Totoro. (Tonari No Totoro) Hope you enjoy (^_^) Feel free to comment. Any issues, let me know.
asarusi 69.04kb
13613 total
4.2 / 118 votes
(Ranking: 2.49)
CALIMERO (7 Comments)
Hello I am wishing this CLIMERO to be loved all over the world. :D
susumu 100.54kb
13442 total
4.1 / 115 votes
(Ranking: 2.27)
homer (2 Comments)
makes good friends with
gooniumX 435.36kb
13409 total
4.1 / 68 votes
(Ranking: 2.02)
Metal Gear Solid - Solid Snake Adiumy (8 Comments)
Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAAAAAKEEE!!!! Solid Snake has never looked so good. Look for periodic updates (different colors and a mgs4 version complete with octocamo).
mittenhead107 630.11kb
13364 total
4.4 / 74 votes
(Ranking: 2.62)
Adium CS4 (8 Comments)
Adium icon that matches Adobe CS4® applications
rocha 160.8kb
13323 total
4.3 / 95 votes
(Ranking: 2.57)
Sith Duck (15 Comments)
A Duck That has turned to to Dark Side Fixed Issue so it works now
bryanbar 162.87kb
13289 total
3.9 / 95 votes
(Ranking: 1.78)
The Devil (2 Comments)
Icon created by Laura Natcher Red Devil
beemer 401.91kb
13258 total
4.1 / 72 votes
(Ranking: 2.04)
Adiclaus (6 Comments)
There was a magnificent santa claus upload by BlueRevolution , but I didn't felt comfortable with that fake-looking santa. Comments were "you can almost see the elastic on that beard" but what if you like a "real looking" santa. So I...
auric 542.21kb
13191 total
4.0 / 100 votes
(Ranking: 2.00)
septi v2 (21 Comments)
This is version 2 of my icon-theme septi v1 . It's clean and simple, based on transparent black and white. Enjoy!
septi 77.4kb
12910 total
4.2 / 122 votes
(Ranking: 2.50)
Eazy-E (8 Comments)
Straight Outta Compton
flyingnowhere 742.72kb
12874 total
4.3 / 94 votes
(Ranking: 2.57)
LithoMilk (17 Comments)
This icon set is ripped directly from both the popular Milk icon set for Adium by Rasmus Andersson and the LithoSystems set by Anthony Piraino. I found the duck icon though, hah. Version 2.0 Update • Redesigned all status icons...
dankeezer 959.42kb
12799 total
4.1 / 173 votes
(Ranking: 2.46)
JiXeR - Blend (11 Comments)
adium dock icon to go with the icon set found on (original icon set by AveTenebrae )
JiXeR 183.09kb
12582 total
4.2 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 2.41)
Apple Polish (8 Comments)
This is my second Dock Icon Set so far, After working through how Adium handles the plists, I decided to Start fresh and make a new set. I know there are a few other Apple Dock Icon's, but this one, I hope you'll see is unique. Please...
UberBarista 415.15kb
12491 total
4.1 / 60 votes
(Ranking: 1.96)
Pikachu (6 Comments)
A cute Pikachu for your Adium's dock icon! States "Away" and "Idle" are available in english and french.
matchab 871.07kb
12435 total
4.2 / 87 votes
(Ranking: 2.33)
iPhonable (11 Comments)
This is my very first Adium Xtra. I was inspired by... yes, the Apple iPhone Icons... The package contains 6 icons: Away, Not Available, Occupied, Online, Offline and Loading (Animated) Enjoy ! Please Comment, this way I can...
Segatta 390.07kb
12401 total
4.1 / 69 votes
(Ranking: 2.02)
Zumbeedo (8 Comments)
Zumbeedo buddy icon, with animations for connection and received msg. Character designed for the yet to be released Zumbeedo website See more illustrations of the character here
gabrielfigueiredo 723.21kb
12141 total
4.3 / 246 votes
(Ranking: 3.11)
katamari dock icon (12 Comments)
Animated Katamari Damacy dock icon! (includes Prince of All Cosmos)
kdaver 405.28kb
11429 total
4.0 / 60 votes
(Ranking: 1.78)
SPeCks (21 Comments)
This is my first Adium Xtra. And what better subject to use than my very own SPeCks . This here's Bob. The Dock Icon has all the states covered: Awake/Preview, Away, Asleep/Base, Connect, Alert and Invisible. As you can see, most...
tamashii 64.37kb
11294 total
4.0 / 123 votes
(Ranking: 2.09)
Butters Bear (10 Comments)
Butters from South Park dressed as a bear in the Paris Hilton Episode.
jdurchen 141.38kb
11171 total
3.9 / 107 votes
(Ranking: 1.83)
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