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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Cowduck (12 Comments)
Flap icon created by Laura Natcher. A cowduck!! Update: - Wings have an out line and have more of a shape.
beemer 176.38kb
17616 total
3.9 / 141 votes
(Ranking: 1.93)
iBubble 2 (18 Comments)
Presenting the iBubble 2, an aqua style dock icon for AdiumX. This improved version has a gem-like bubble, a softer shadow and different animation for message alert. I hope you like it :-) I'll keep the 1.3 around in case you...
Iiro 403.07kb
17298 total
4.0 / 160 votes
(Ranking: 2.20)
iChat AV (17 Comments)
I have been using imacguy's iChat AV Tiger for a while, but the quality of the icons, and few animations started to bother me. So, I used Apple's icons and created a perfect quality version with more animation. I know that it's not...
Impulse29 682.77kb
17042 total
4.0 / 94 votes
(Ranking: 1.97)
Calvin (10 Comments)
Originally created by Bill Watterson, icons by Randy Reynolds, converted for Adium by Benjamin
Benjamin 61.7kb
16986 total
3.8 / 199 votes
(Ranking: 1.84)
iPod Adiumy (15 Comments)
Fifth-generation white and black iPods. All six Adiumy colors included. -- Adiumys with U2 Special Edition iPods are also available in a separate download .
Quincy 1.36mb
16643 total
4.0 / 209 votes
(Ranking: 2.32)
Birdie Adium (16 Comments)
I'm proud to introduce Birdie for Adium, a collaboration between arrioch and myself . Birdie Adium is part of a set of Birdie icons that includes twitter, songbird, thunderbird and more! Grab the Birdies at...
Spookster 492.87kb
16078 total
4.3 / 133 votes
(Ranking: 2.76)
The Cat in the Hat Duck (11 Comments)
It's Adiumy dressed as the Cat in the Hat! Watch out when he balances the fish on his finger- You don't want to get wet!!
lysistrata398 73.23kb
15941 total
4.0 / 177 votes
(Ranking: 2.25)
Duck Incredible (12 Comments)
the_mountie 100.64kb
15523 total
4.0 / 146 votes
(Ranking: 2.16)
reddit alien (18 Comments)
the adorable and informative reddit mascot is available in AdiumDock-form. if you like the mascot, there's absolutely nothing to suggest that you'd also like our site -- but there's only one way to know for sure... //shameless...
kn0thing 65.58kb
15430 total
3.7 / 293 votes
(Ranking: 1.73)
MacBook Pro Adiumy (16 Comments)
After seeing that there was no Dock Icon for the Macbook Pro I decided to put one together. Hope you enjoy (animated as well). Unibody Macbook Pro Adiumy is available here
KornyAlex 980kb
15424 total
4.4 / 63 votes
(Ranking: 2.52)
Spongebob (10 Comments)
Spongebob Squarepants. Modified for Adium by Benjamin.
Benjamin 54.83kb
15271 total
3.7 / 141 votes
(Ranking: 1.50)
a French Love! (40 Comments)
Hello (again! ;-) One upon a time a strange story of a strange Love: a green Duck and... a Nokia 6600!!! (what doing in case of babies??? ;-D Yes, yes ... you guessed: It's in reality the..."a French Duck! 2: The Return! "...
lemaxou 579.07kb
15186 total
3.8 / 523 votes
(Ranking: 2.17)
iMac Adiumy (11 Comments)
All new iMac duck, made to fit with the new Adium icon. If you preferred the old version you can download it from my website . Source files are available from my website .
Szilard 447.46kb
15032 total
4.1 / 99 votes
(Ranking: 2.20)
Frosty Duck (8 Comments)
Just in time for Christmas - It's Frosty the Snow Duck....thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety, thump, thump! Look at Frosty go!! *note*He's a tad smaller than your average Adiumy in order to make room for his magic hat!
lysistrata398 66.34kb
15013 total
4.0 / 169 votes
(Ranking: 2.23)
Marvin the Martian Duck (8 Comments)
It's Marvin the Martian. I think this might be the first Adiumy to wear shoes. *note*He's smaller than your average Adiumy in order to make room for his helmet and shoes.
lysistrata398 58.05kb
14219 total
3.9 / 164 votes
(Ranking: 1.99)
Pirate Adiumy (8 Comments)
From psiona's collection of ducks. It was converted as part of a series found at
wunderwood 350.41kb
14202 total
3.7 / 166 votes
(Ranking: 1.55)
Cupid Adiumy (16 Comments)
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I've created a couple of Lovey-Dovey themed icons. And here's Cupid! Isn't he cute?
lysistrata398 275.09kb
14194 total
3.9 / 175 votes
(Ranking: 2.02)
Darth Duck (15 Comments)
A dark sided adiumy Version 0.2: Changed the away & idle icons Changed the connecting animation
Eudiam 282.74kb
14124 total
3.9 / 99 votes
(Ranking: 1.80)
Hitchhiker's Guide (17 Comments)
A dock icon for really hoopy froods - it's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy mascot! Happy hitchhiking, and don't forget where your towel is!
cheesechick 194.38kb
14124 total
3.8 / 239 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
iBook Adiumy (17 Comments)
A varient of my PowerBook icon to make it like an iBook! People who preferred the original can download it from my Website - Download N.B. The extra incorrectly lists the 14" as 15".
Szilard 522.81kb
13786 total
3.5 / 231 votes
(Ranking: 1.18)
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