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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Pixar´s For The Birds (28 Comments)
This is a Dock Icon from Pixar´s short "For The Birds"
lucidos 107.69kb
38593 total
3.9 / 508 votes
(Ranking: 2.44)
Marten-Plain (20 Comments)
Updated Dock icon. Works well with Marten-Plain message style and Marten-Plain2 message style . Includes: Online, loading (animated), alert (animated), away/idle, invisible and offline. Enjoy.
marten 830.49kb
34442 total
4.2 / 248 votes
(Ranking: 2.87)
Badger Badger Mushroom Snake (16 Comments)
A dock icon pack featuring the badger from that badger movie. The main icon is the badger(-badger-badger-badger), the Away icon is the mushroom(-mushroom), and the Idle icon is the snake(-aah-a-snake-oh-it's-a-snake).
AdamAtlas 86.63kb
33283 total
3.8 / 238 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
Adiumy Green (46 Comments)
Green Adium dock icon.
Buzuk 1.04mb
32898 total
3.9 / 637 votes
(Ranking: 2.52)
Hippie Duck (21 Comments)
Yo man. Peace out. Just feelin' the groove with this here duck.
lysistrata398 83.99kb
32793 total
4.0 / 344 votes
(Ranking: 2.54)
Wobblo (48 Comments)
A pretty plain spinning cube. All for your entertainment. (it looks best in your dock when you uncheck 'Show Contacts with unviewed messages' in Preferences>Dock)
wobbler 535.72kb
32180 total
3.9 / 384 votes
(Ranking: 2.33)
Mr.T (14 Comments)
He ain't goin' on no plane! 2.0 is here..finally! Added the infamous feathers, earrings, and attitude!
Bonka 78.82kb
32101 total
4.0 / 221 votes
(Ranking: 2.34)
Stargate 3D (16 Comments)
Another Stargate icon. This time, rendered in 3D. 1.1: Made message alert more visible by having wormhole flash on and off (by Matt) 1.2: Improved Iris as requested.
deej5871 1016.17kb
31946 total
3.4 / 109 votes
(Ranking: 0.81)
Batman Duck (24 Comments)
na na na na na na na na ......(cheesy TV theme song).......Batman!
lysistrata398 60.78kb
30417 total
4.0 / 212 votes
(Ranking: 2.33)
Flat Balloons 2.0 (35 Comments)
Flattened balloons.
jussi 238.67kb
29528 total
3.9 / 423 votes
(Ranking: 2.36)
Burned Adium 2.3 (14 Comments)
Update: 1, the duck is too dark a little bit, so I bright them up. 2, chang the connection pic. 3, no weird shadow during the connection 4, add some smoke after hit by the thunder
thy 434.43kb
28601 total
4.0 / 196 votes
(Ranking: 2.29)
EVE (12 Comments)
WALL-E ❤ EVE This is the Unofficial Adium icon for the animated movie WALL-E. The set currently only contains EVE. I'm not going to spoil anything go watch the HD trailers at I just love how well made the characters...
Mxmln 33.05kb
28570 total
4.0 / 267 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
klickklack (27 Comments)
I was searching for some super super simple icons but none of them realy impressed me. So I made my own ones. I hope you guys like it and I hope it all works properly (This is my first AdiumXtra). If you got any improvement...
3000 22.36kb
28440 total
4.0 / 350 votes
(Ranking: 2.54)
Link Duck (34 Comments)
It's Link from the Legend of Zelda. He's on a never-ending quest to save his girlfriend! 1/25/05 - Added special Away and Idle status. Made the flap more animated and (hopefully) more visible. Gave him sparkle for the connecting.
lysistrata398 278.73kb
27829 total
4.0 / 292 votes
(Ranking: 2.47)
Caplet Chat (17 Comments)
A simple dock icon that uniquely displays almost all combinations of IM statuses. -- An Adiumy version of this is also available in a separate download .
Quincy 943.76kb
26670 total
4.0 / 268 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
Eve Wall-E (14 Comments)
A pack of seven icon for Adium.
Wimacod 278.03kb
26364 total
4.1 / 229 votes
(Ranking: 2.60)
Animated Matrix Duck (21 Comments)
An animated matrix duck. Green text scrolls when you're online.
hnooch 637.09kb
25723 total
3.9 / 230 votes
(Ranking: 2.13)
The Palantir of Adium (v2.0) (21 Comments)
Listening to the Lord of the Rings Soundtrack, I was inspired to make a LOTR Themed Adium Iconset. After a little brainstorming and a little Photoshopping, this is what I came up with. I hope my fellow LOTR fans will enjoy it, and as...
Tovarizzle 1.02mb
24292 total
3.9 / 275 votes
(Ranking: 2.20)
Hello Kitty (7 Comments)
HELLO KITTY! What can I say? I love Hello Kitty. (and Chococat). And until I can create my own popular Vector-based character that dominates the mind of all GRRLS young and old I will have to stick with the Klassic. This is...
prince 61.54kb
23997 total
4.0 / 107 votes
(Ranking: 2.03)
Cat (12 Comments)
Its just a little cat. kitty cat cat kitty cat
Rickard 191.04kb
23610 total
4.3 / 171 votes
(Ranking: 2.90)
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