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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
A.W.E.S.O.M-O (4 Comments)
It's Awesom-O! It looks kind of small becuase Cartman is a fat ass. His eyes glow while connectinga nd for an alert.
Niles 89.4kb
6888 total
4.3 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 2.14)
Bonjour L'Adium (10 Comments)
Bonjour L'Adium is the first Adium Icon I made. It is basically the Bonjour logo, which animates, and changes colour on different settings. Version 1.0: ? First release ? Occasionally has a problem with the connecting animation...
Impulse29 308.79kb
6886 total
4.0 / 110 votes
(Ranking: 2.04)
Ninja (3 Comments)
A ninja from Laura's collection swings hook thing when connecting.
beemer 763.52kb
6840 total
3.9 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 1.48)
Adiumy iMac (Late 2009) (8 Comments)
• Dock icons set with Adiumy wearing a Apple's cap and behind the recently updated iMac (Late 2009) with Magic Mouse and Apple Wireless Keyboard . • Conjunto de ícones para Dock com o Adiumy usando boné da Apple e...
Regivic 164.43kb
6791 total
4.7 / 36 votes
(Ranking: 2.65)
The Ducks Family (17 Comments)
Quack. Here comes the Ducks Family. Seven members in different colors, suits every animal lover (and everyone else) out there. Grab it while it's hot :-P Included 7 different colours: Duck Black Duck Blue Duck Green Duck Purple...
Iiro 3.4mb
6785 total
4.0 / 90 votes
(Ranking: 1.95)
Lederhosen Adiumy (5 Comments)
From psiona's collection of ducks. It was converted as part of a series found at
wunderwood 200.06kb
6740 total
3.6 / 150 votes
(Ranking: 1.31)
Quaque extended (7 Comments)
For all who love the Quaque-Icon ( ) here is a extended version containing a new (animated) invisible icon and a smooth animated transition of the new-message-icon. Take a look at it!
Griflet 966.23kb
6739 total
4.0 / 187 votes
(Ranking: 2.27)
Dracula (5 Comments)
beemer 497.13kb
6728 total
4.1 / 70 votes
(Ranking: 2.03)
Ai-dium Dog (7 Comments)
Based off the lovely Ai Dog icons created by Benoit Bender . I made very minimal modifications to his originals.
zoo1023 515.31kb
6715 total
4.3 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 2.07)
Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama (12 Comments)
It's everyone's favorite crustacean like alien! Dr. John Zoidberg! With Sleepy Zoidberg waking up to connect, angry zoidberg holding signs for away and idle, and jumpy zoidberg for alerts, this is the icon for all Zoidberg fans. Now...
tedger 231.64kb
6715 total
3.6 / 147 votes
(Ranking: 1.30)
Deutschland Adiumy (German Jersey Euro 08) (6 Comments)
Deutschland Adiumy Version 3.0 final - Including the new Away Jersey!!!! Enjoy Germany's new jerseys designed for the EM 08!
DBS 186.23kb
6675 total
3.8 / 738 votes
(Ranking: 2.29)
Litho iChat Full (12 Comments)
This is a full service Adium version of the Litho iChat icon from IT has all the favourite modes, like, Away, Idle, Connecting, Message, and Offline. Comments and Questions welcome.
FordPrefect 668.59kb
6607 total
4.1 / 53 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
LocoRoco in Vector (4 Comments)
LocoRoco in Vector, by me, Original dockicon idea by Coerul. I did all the images in vectorgraphic, so it is in 128x128 pixel :) And i did an offline icon by myself :) Hope ya like it! LocoRoco ©...
bananiel 72.11kb
6491 total
4.3 / 64 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
Stewie (4 Comments)
For Family Guy fans. "Victory is mine!"
DrEthernet 127.44kb
6479 total
3.5 / 49 votes
(Ranking: 0.85)
Snoopy Dock Icon (2 Comments)
So this is my first dock icon set (or any kind of xtra really). I wanted a snoopy dock icon, and the ones available just didn't cut it for me. Hope you guys like it! Please let me know of any problems!
paranoid0693517 687.51kb
6444 total
4.4 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
Agent Duck (3 Comments)
An agent duck duck. From Laura's stash of ducks
beemer 131.41kb
6433 total
3.8 / 63 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Weighted Companion Cube (12 Comments)
The Weighted Companion Cube from Valve's game, Portal. After baking it in the incinerator, I felt bad, so I drew this commemorative icon. Animated connecting and alert icons.
doubleback 374.06kb
6431 total
4.6 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 2.08)
Balloon Gift ~ cgink (4 Comments)
Simple and stylish dock icon. Original icon created by cgink ( Modified by nouire with permission from cgink.
nouire 47.97kb
6401 total
4.7 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 2.49)
Rafale (4 Comments)
Here is my first release, a Dock icon for Adium inspired by the David Lanham and Louie Mantia's Flurry set. Hope you'll like it :)
Thib-thib 1.96mb
6400 total
4.7 / 31 votes
(Ranking: 2.54)
Andium AIM (9 Comments)
Benjamin 46.18kb
6298 total
3.6 / 96 votes
(Ranking: 1.19)
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