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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Bunchie (34 Comments)
here is my second dock icon, i think it is a BIG improvement from my last. for example the alert animation has 11 frames in it. im curios about what you think, post your comments.
sdh 78.76kb
10918 total
3.9 / 208 votes
(Ranking: 2.09)
iAdiumBubble 2 (11 Comments)
iAdiumBubble 2 combines graphics from my current favorite, iBubble 2 with graphics from my original dock icon, iAdium . With minor modifications, the chat bubble images were created by Iiro Jäppinen .
flernk 1.09mb
10728 total
4.1 / 98 votes
(Ranking: 2.19)
Bloo (11 Comments)
From Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, here's Blooregard Q. Kazoo. The loveable and mischevious imaginary friend of Mac. I figured Bloo would make an ok dock icon, so here he is. I didn't want to make anything really...
coerul 412.64kb
10682 total
4.2 / 70 votes
(Ranking: 2.21)
Nightmare Adiumy (Soul Calibur) (3 Comments)
From psiona's collection of ducks. It was converted as part of a series found at
wunderwood application/zip
10614 total
3.8 / 158 votes
(Ranking: 1.76)
Rayman Rabbids (9 Comments)
Rayman Rabbids dock icon created on the base of the fantastic wii game.
gatfil 549.54kb
10611 total
4.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 2.61)
Red Sox Duck (32 Comments)
A Duck for the 2004 World Series Champs! He tosses the ball in the air for the "flap".
lysistrata398 68.45kb
10428 total
3.3 / 340 votes
(Ranking: 0.76)
Live Inspired Dock (4 Comments)
Here comes Live Inspired -set for Adium. It is inspired by Microsoft Messenger 6.0 for Mac. Included are Dock icon, status icons and a message style. I'm releasing these as seperated files if some people want to download only parts....
Iiro 139.27kb
10400 total
4.2 / 52 votes
(Ranking: 2.06)
Me & My Monkey (7 Comments)
Just a Monkey. funny thing. Hope s.o. likes it. Looks nice with Monkeys from Proteus by Scottalatate' (uniraver-ZG). Thanks.
DieIdeeIstGut 142.74kb
10385 total
4.1 / 61 votes
(Ranking: 1.96)
bibah.adiumicon (15 Comments)
A simply dock icons from iSystem icon set
bibah 326.2kb
10321 total
4.0 / 172 votes
(Ranking: 2.24)
Hobbes (sleepy) (11 Comments)
I created this Hobbes dock icon just after reading the strip below. I'm not totally sure about my pick for background colors, let me know about it.
sven 212.38kb
10241 total
3.9 / 151 votes
(Ranking: 1.96)
Evil Adiumy (9 Comments)
A dock icon to complement your Evil Menu Duck.
Quincy 48.96kb
10070 total
3.8 / 189 votes
(Ranking: 1.82)
My Robot Eye (16 Comments)
My first Adium dock icon. Hope you'll enjoy. Please comment !
Zenest 478.38kb
10035 total
4.0 / 83 votes
(Ranking: 1.92)
Thomas and Guyman (5 Comments)
Here is a set of dock icons made from the fantastics icons of Tsukasa Enjoy ! My Blog
Chaodam 1.21mb
9894 total
4.3 / 79 votes
(Ranking: 2.47)
Abstract (13 Comments)
This is my first dock icon so please tell me what you think. Basically I was inspired by some of the icons over at and decided to try my hand at making a dock icon with them.
roper 182.19kb
9741 total
4.2 / 86 votes
(Ranking: 2.32)
Guitarist Adiumy (13 Comments)
From psiona's collection of ducks. It was converted as part of a series found at Update: Fixed color issues in OS 10.4 Tiger. Thanks to thejokell.
wunderwood 227.59kb
9726 total
3.6 / 166 votes
(Ranking: 1.33)
Superman Duck (4 Comments)
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Superman! But wait, it's ALSO a bird......hmmmm
lysistrata398 56.82kb
9612 total
3.8 / 99 votes
(Ranking: 1.60)
Balloons (8 Comments)
First public version of my Balloon icons. Originally intended for Proteus, they've evolved a bit. I never liked the duck myself, but in this i gave it a bit of a revival. Bundled are a couple of extra icons that (as to the best of my...
jussi 246.28kb
9585 total
4.1 / 118 votes
(Ranking: 2.28)
Dragonium (12 Comments)
a small dragon-duck who beats his wings during connection.
Missiku_San 846.21kb
9537 total
4.0 / 108 votes
(Ranking: 2.03)
Traun Adiumy (14 Comments)
My second adiumy icon attempt. Feedback is always welcome Version 0.2 updates the active status, making Traun Adiumy pulsate when a message is recieved.
iamthel0rax 135.13kb
9490 total
3.9 / 130 votes
(Ranking: 1.90)
Darth Vadium-Revisited (12 Comments)
Same as the original Darth Vadium icon, except this one has an orange lightsaber for away, instead of a purple lightsaber. Just for those of you who wanted a 'Sith' color for the away lightsaber.
da_baum 253.86kb
9375 total
3.6 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 0.98)
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