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All by user lemaxou [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
a French Love! (40 Comments) - Dock Icons
Hello (again! ;-) One upon a time a strange story of a strange Love: a green Duck and... a Nokia 6600!!! (what doing in case of babies??? ;-D Yes, yes ... you guessed: It's in reality the..."a French Duck! 2: The Return! "...
15186 total
3.8 / 523 votes
(Ranking: 2.17)
a French Duck! (16 Comments) - Dock Icons
Hello! I'm french and It's my very first X(tra), ok... My english is very very bad and I'm just an amateur ok ok... A- For change the messages of presence: away=>Plus l?! Idle=>OQP! (why "OQP!"? because It's similar of "occup?" in...
1805 total
3.9 / 88 votes
(Ranking: 1.75)
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