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All by user thesilverfox06 [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
Tama Status Icons (2 Comments) - Status Icons
Submitted by request in the screenshot thread on the forums. These icons are of Tama, the lovable flying turtle from Love Hina. Her shells change colors based on the buddy's status, and she makes different faces for typing, entered...
1321 total
3.8 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 1.06)
Trigun Icons 1.2 (6 Comments) - Dock Icons
Vash and Wolfwood dock icons from Trigun. New in 1.1: Wolfwood shoots his guns! New in 1.2: Vash shoots his gun! Also, all images have been remade using a different method to increase quality. Enjoy!
1432 total
3.5 / 46 votes
(Ranking: 0.83)
WarCraft III sounds (13 Comments) - Sound Sets
A collection of sounds from everyone's favorite RTS game.
28794 total
2.8 / 132 votes
(Ranking: -0.42)
RGB (2 Comments) - Contact List Styles
This is the contact list style that I have been using for a while. This is definitely not a subtle style, because the contrast of the red, green, and blue make this contact list style jump off the screen (which is why I like it). I...
252 total
2.2 / 31 votes
(Ranking: -1.19)
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