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All by user uniraver-ZG [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
Monkeys from Proteus (v.8 recommend) (7 Comments) - Emoticons
* UPDATE * - YEAH, v.8 AdiumX is released! (suggested as v.7 users may be experiencing crashes. v.8 is way better anyways - worth the time to upgrade and check out new features and functionality.) * Monkey Schpiel * Set of...
4123 total
3.2 / 88 votes
(Ranking: 0.39)
Feng Shui - Minimal (4 Comments) - Contact List Styles
* UPDATE * - Modified to ensure v.8 compliance - Removed Monkey Emoticon include Note! Looks best under AdiumX v.8 This is my favorite layout. I hate too much action on my desktop as its distracting. The colors are...
1279 total
3.1 / 51 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
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