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Dock Icons

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
AdiumIcon (20 Comments)
Simple animated icon, enjoy ^^
Nemed 1.01mb
66627 total
4.4 / 614 votes
(Ranking: 3.90)
AdiumTwit (Twitter's icon for Adium) (14 Comments)
When I installed the new version of Twitter for Mac, from MacAppStore, the first thing I saw was the beautiful new icon that was in the dock. I have worked to create a similar for Adium soon as possible. When you say love at first sight....
denerindring 340.97kb
18095 total
4.4 / 287 votes
(Ranking: 3.44)
Totoro Final Version (24 Comments)
This is version 2 of my original My Neighbour Totoro dock icon set. It's in a style more true to the original animation. And as by request, the idle and away states are easier to distinguish from normal states. Feel free to...
asarusi 77.83kb
66471 total
4.1 / 851 votes
(Ranking: 3.22)
Playmobil (6 Comments)
Playmobil buddy icon, with animations for connection and received msg. Built from the EVE CED buddy icon Let me know if there's any bug
gabrielfigueiredo 496.36kb
4819 total
4.3 / 286 votes
(Ranking: 3.19)
Zumbeedo (8 Comments)
Zumbeedo buddy icon, with animations for connection and received msg. Character designed for the yet to be released Zumbeedo website See more illustrations of the character here
gabrielfigueiredo 723.21kb
12141 total
4.3 / 246 votes
(Ranking: 3.11) Icon for Adium (37 Comments)
FatBird.colors series. Color: Green
3fl 4.68mb
59567 total
4.1 / 638 votes
(Ranking: 3.09)
Cat (12 Comments)
Its just a little cat. kitty cat cat kitty cat
Rickard 191.04kb
23610 total
4.3 / 171 votes
(Ranking: 2.90)
Marten-Plain (20 Comments)
Updated Dock icon. Works well with Marten-Plain message style and Marten-Plain2 message style . Includes: Online, loading (animated), alert (animated), away/idle, invisible and offline. Enjoy.
marten 830.49kb
34442 total
4.2 / 248 votes
(Ranking: 2.87)
EVE CED (15 Comments)
After seeing Wall-E I decided to create my own EVE Adium pack! 7 different icons, login and alerts animated!
Constantin 250.65kb
53408 total
4.1 / 393 votes
(Ranking: 2.85)
BeardedMan Flurry (4 Comments)
I made this icon based on the Flurry-style from the Iconfactory . It's alerts and the connecting are animated. comments and rating are highly appreciated
igit 966.62kb
2275 total
4.6 / 58 votes
(Ranking: 2.82)
Om nom - cut the rope (1 Comments)
Om nom form the iOS Game Cut the Rope Hope you like it ;)
Skierdorf 105.08kb
5182 total
4.6 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 2.78)
Birdie Adium (16 Comments)
I'm proud to introduce Birdie for Adium, a collaboration between arrioch and myself . Birdie Adium is part of a set of Birdie icons that includes twitter, songbird, thunderbird and more! Grab the Birdies at...
Spookster 492.87kb
16080 total
4.3 / 133 votes
(Ranking: 2.76)
Slash Adiumy (31 Comments)
This is Slash Adiumy with his signature Les Paul, top hat and cigarette. When he's not active, he's sitting at the bar drinking his whiskey!
attilaworx 128.58kb
84956 total
3.9 / 987 votes
(Ranking: 2.69)
Yoda Duck (29 Comments)
Yoda Duck for Adium this is.
lysistrata398 83.63kb
96797 total
3.9 / 910 votes
(Ranking: 2.66)
Adiumy iMac (Late 2009) (8 Comments)
• Dock icons set with Adiumy wearing a Apple's cap and behind the recently updated iMac (Late 2009) with Magic Mouse and Apple Wireless Keyboard . • Conjunto de ícones para Dock com o Adiumy usando boné da Apple e...
Regivic 164.43kb
6791 total
4.7 / 36 votes
(Ranking: 2.65)
Pesterchum 7.0 (4 Comments)
A tribute to 'Homestuck', a collaborative/interactive game found at
jimformation 547.97kb
22207 total
4.4 / 77 votes
(Ranking: 2.64)
AngryBirds.Red (1 Comments)
I made this icon based on the red-bird from AngryBirds . It's alerts and the connecting are animated. HERE you can find a matching soundset and HERE the Pig. comments and rating are highly appreciated
igit 870.97kb
8038 total
4.4 / 75 votes
(Ranking: 2.63)
Metal Gear Solid - Solid Snake Adiumy (8 Comments)
Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAAAAAKEEE!!!! Solid Snake has never looked so good. Look for periodic updates (different colors and a mgs4 version complete with octocamo).
mittenhead107 630.11kb
13364 total
4.4 / 74 votes
(Ranking: 2.62)
Angry Birds (0 Comments)
Angry Birds
l9o 1.74mb
5961 total
4.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 2.61)
Rayman Rabbids (9 Comments)
Rayman Rabbids dock icon created on the base of the fantastic wii game.
gatfil 549.54kb
10611 total
4.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 2.61)
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